01 December 2005

Psychoanalytical Wit

New realization: I've discovered that my gift to read people's emotions/actions/words and analyze them into deeper thoughts and mindsets as one that will lead me to further success ahead.

I have trouble showing my emotions but I'm real good at explaining why others have certain emotions. The reason I was thinking about this though is because I have started showing MY emotions a little more. I'm a hard head, I don't show emotion, sometimes when I NEED to. Women feed off of the emotion shown by the people they love. It's the way they were created, to be stimulated by emotion. I never did that. It even became a problem to the point to where my own mom questioned it. That's when I knew I'd needed to learn to express myself more often. It's taken a couple of years since it was pointed out, and I'm just now coming around to showing more emotion. I almost feel like it's a sign of old age. Perhaps, it's just maturity. I suppose. Either way, it's a new road for me. I'm happy to take a new route though. For one thing, I need to build up my weaknesses so that I can be used in whatever means necessary to glorify God in the best way possible.

The prophetic ministry has a lot to do with sensing emotion. And that's why God is teaching me more about expression. Expressing not only myself to others, but discovering what expression means and how to analyze it from simple observation. I will be a better listener and doer for God and those around me because of it.

This is a boring read, I know.... I just write off the top of my head... but I'm heading in a direction in which I can begin to type interesting topics in segments that can be used as a part of a ministry. Training and practice is key. So this is my roughdraft for a greater good. It's my ideas jumbled together while I am trying to find a congruency within my analytical mode of thought provoking ideas that randomly bounce off my brain. Writing is much easier than talking. Mainly because we can EXPRESS ourselves more freely.

Another point that brings up.
We should all learn to communicate more personably. It would save tons of unneccesary heartache

For example:

AIM... Good ? Bad? Both? I've used it to do some works for God before, but then again God will use any means he can to have you do His works. It can be great but detrimental at the same time.

Communicate freely w/out being as worried about other's reactions
Not wasting cell phone minutes on meaningless jibber-jabber
Convenient to type, surf, listen to music, and work at the same time.

Emotions are not drawn through text that well, therefore misunderstandings occur occassionaly
Impersonable method of communication takes away from a connection that can only happen when two people exchange ideas in person, or at least on the phone.

I'm guilty of overuse of AIM. So I won't be using it much anymore. Only to talk at times or to keep my blog site up for others to see. I want to find a better connector between my emotions and others' emotions. It starts by giving up on AIM as a beneficial tool to communicate effectively. I want to talk more in person, on the phone, with a live voice in my ear... that's the only way I become a better listener, which is in fact my GREATEST weakness of all.

I'll stop, and listen... I can hear the most important voice of all...
More personable than anyone, and the best listener I have ever known.

I sure could learn a thing or two from Him.


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