27 November 2008

M.I.A. - Thanksgiving and Optimism

Happy Thanksgiving to all... Yes, a more than 2 year hiatus from writing blogs. Nobody missed me out there in blog-land because there are approximately 30 billion blogs nowadays. But, I was blessed with the ability to write semi-effectively (I hope at least), and I owe it to myself to at least put it on paper from time to time.

I think the last time I visited with you I was just settling down in Houston after a year or so with my company. Well, I have been given a great opportunity since and took another position with a new company called International Trip Planning. I virtually have the same job with a few added responsibilities. I'm now on my 4th year in Houston (can you believe it?) and I'm extremely happy with where I am, who I am and what is before me.

So, let's proceed to the meat of this convo, ehh? Actually, let me add a few more sides first:

I'm keeping my same format with which I used previously. A little bit of weather now and again and a touch of spirituality and/or philosophy. I mean, how can you really beat that combination? It's like a one stop shop! Your 5 day weather outlook and a piece of advice to go along. Forget the weather channel, I will pants those punks and you can see the proof here. **Waiver: My weather is solely my opinion and if inaccurate I am not to be held responsible for wet socks, wearing shorts in 40 degree weather, or a bad hair day.

Little political tidbit: The presidential election was as intensely followed, if not hotly contested, as it has ever been since i was old enough to understand the nuances of politics. I wish Obama the best in the coming 4 years. America has collected a few wounds recently, and although I may not parallel Mr. Obama's moral agenda, I can still take hope in the possibility that his economic and sociologic goals may positively impact our country. I pray for him as he leads our country in a few more weeks in this time of recession and division. Reunification is important; stepping away from a polarized two-horse nation and pressing towards one in which all of our views are represented and respected.

Anyway, onto the topic of thanks. It's so cliche to post a blog giving thanks on the ultimate day of thanks, right? Well, let's take it another direction. I mean after all, doesn't our creator deserve to hear a thank you basically every morning? His intricate plan for each individual on Earth is so fascinating that I can't help but be express awe and amazement at his ability to navigate us thru the dense spiderwebs of free choice.

I listened with great interest last Sunday morning as the pastor of a local church spoke on optimism. i have always felt that an optimistic outlook is the linchpin of a productive and healthy lifestyle. He mentioned that we embolden ourselves by speaking things into action. An example included how a scientist experimented with the affects of compliments. He spoke only wholesome, uplifting words to one glass of water, and negative, desparaging remarks to the second. Unbelievable as it may seem, after several weeks, the first glass of water remained pure, whereas the second glass became dark and aged.

We can use this to our advantage. We control what our future becomes, relationships included, in part by our words, and more importantly, our attitude. That's a novel concept, isn't it? Denoucing sickness when it approaches... claiming our needs boldly to the father. Speaking anything into existence. We can literally influence our bodies, our goals, and others around us, helping in not succumbing to the spiritual attacks we face day in and day out.

As we visit family and friends this week... be optimisic, keep a good attitude, smile and be vocal. Do it enough, and I'm sure you'll see the winds of change. Not only in yourself, but in those you interact with everyday.



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